little do you know im actually sisyphus prime. i DESTROY the very cancerous rodent. my hill
i give you cancer and then you vibrate to the point where you explode. my hill
i lobotomize you and then impale you on a skyscraper. my hill
i steal your soul and then lock it in some random cube. i then boil your corpse in tar. my hill o algo
that's too bad as you are inside of hardened concrete. my hill
i remove the glue, fill a hole with concrete and throw you in there. my hill
i come back and force caseoh to lose weight, and then use the magic of the druids to evaporate you. my hill
the soyjak variant i was depicted as was cobson, the shiniest gemerald on the sharty. i obliterate you because cobson is far superior
my hill
i come back and CRUSH you with a comically sized hammer and you DIE. my hill
i launch a nuclear bomb and it obliterates the entire area that the hill is located in. the hill remains intact but i get certain illnesses from the radiation and die. nobody's hill
i -ACK you yet again. my hill
i crush you with an oversized tungsten cube. my hill
a universe is eventually created and I wait for a planet to form. i create i hill on that planet and call the planet earth. my hill
#IEatChildren is relatable
i create a black that takes you and your parallel version. my void
i launch an orb and accidentally delete every single existing universe, and not a single atom remains.
nothing here, and most importantly, no hill
i -ACK you and magmjira. my hill
I quite literally leave hell and launch you so far up that you almost leave the atmosphere. while you're falling i also drop and anvil falling with you. you have a way less than graceful landing and get obliterated.
my hill
compelling argument, unfortunately RECONSTRUCT WHAT?! you fall to pieces and I take the arm.
my hill
i shoot you while sliding down a pyramid, and you fall to your death. my hill