I ran out of puff to add the new power ups in HSE and the new dragon pets in HSW to this wiki. I need you guys to help make pages for them.
Also I'm definitely gonna do most of that but it's not a task for only one person to do.
What's on your mind?
I ran out of puff to add the new power ups in HSE and the new dragon pets in HSW to this wiki. I need you guys to help make pages for them.
Also I'm definitely gonna do most of that but it's not a task for only one person to do.
12 Votes in Poll
shouldn't be individual articles, actually (opinion, not something I'll waste my time over)
I was fixing Moby's page and found... that. Censored it but you know what it is.
No, I did not put that there. Yes, I fixed it. Very likely a troll put that there years ago unnoticed although it could possibly just be a typo, as the B and N keys are close together.
15 Votes in Poll
A user named Rivab123 has been spreading misinfo on the wiki for months, as well as reverting my edits for literally no reason. They have been vandalizing pages related to HSW maps and locations by listing prey in the prey sections that don't actually spawn, as well as removing some pictures for no reason. In the past few months, they used an account named AlecAbdiel. Me and Topbot warned them several times to stop but they did not listen AT ALL. In fact, they didn't even reply once. When they got banned permanently, they came back with an account known as Chamacodiel, which got banned quickly. Then recently they used a new alt known as Rivab123. Please, if you see them edit a page, revert it at once. They only care about spreading misinfo and reverting edits made in good faith.
I reverted all their edits and gave them a final warning. Should they not stop, tell @Topbot or @Sboy13 to ban them.
This place needs to get active again. As in, more editing and actual discussion of this wiki. I added a nice little feature to the Main Page that has a bunch of facts about the games. It's time to revive the wiki!
Also, check the HS Twitter page. There's what seems to be a new boss known as the "Sea Witch" coming soon. Hope it's gonna be something that actually puts up a fight and isn't pathetic like Captain Hooknado, overly simple and harmless like the Giant Trash Monster from the GGJ 2021 event, or something that isn't even a boss and is just a glorified prey like the Imp from the 2021 Christmas update.
This user (https://hungry-shark.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/Uurututjrjrjrjfbfbfbfbbfnc) created 2 false pages that I had to delete. These pages also existed in the past but got deleted multiple times by admins. They got globalled for presumably another reason. I feel they are an alt of the previously globalled user "JPstarMOVIE" who did the exact same thing before. Reminder to please always check Recent Activity for any suspicious edits or vandalism.
I’m getting kinda bored with these pages, and when there is vandalism, I’m usually busy and offline… And when I am online, all there is on these pages is some grammatical mistakes that are easy to fix.
Again, I do not know what to do with the page on this wiki…
hey guys. especially thread moderators. when you see an obvious troll, don't engage AT ALL, just delete everything and immediately report an admin. i know how tempting it is to interact but it's not worth your valuable time
I want to add some brand new QOL changes to the wiki and its pages, but I don't know where to start.
Now, I'm asking all you users for stuff you'd like to see here and suggestions for the betterment of this place.
Suggest any stuff you'd like to see (and of course, help make your own ideas a reality because I can't do all that by myself) here.
The reason why UwUwuwuwuwwuuuwwuiifkfkf should be banned because UwUwuwuwuwwuuuwwuiifkfkf ruined Smooth Hammerhead wiki pages, He/She/They edit a false information on that page (mostly weird shipping or illegal things) even moderators & users (including me)
Seeing that weird false information Then, I tell Him/Her/Them to stop editing weird,
So the user will commenting to me (that I tell him/her/them) or moderators, if UwUwuwuwuwwuuuwwuiifkfkf against me or moderators or continue edit weird or false info (like I'm said in the top), Moderators should ban user from this wiki immediately
10 Votes in Poll
Okay, just a random call to all the active users here. We've dealt with this, but we NEED to actually take action and not just heed the call without doing much.
But once again, vandals, trolls, and toddlers continue to run loose, and a lot of people consider this wiki poorly maintained as a result. Some people in the Hungry Shark Reef Discord server tend to ridicule the wiki because of a lot of false info. Man, how I hate vandalism, it gives our wiki a bad rep.
So, we must band together and catch vandals (I am always the one who catches vandals in the act, and we need more people doing it because very few people are active at the same time as me), and keep this wiki's pages in tip-top shape.
I don't understand the motives of these vandals, a lot of their vandalism is done in very unorthodox manners such as saying prey spawns in this area when it really doesn't, or swapping the names of multiple prey in a page like what happened to the Humans page, or just intentionally butchering the grammar in a page for no reason other than maybe trolling or intentionally slowing this wiki down. What sick lowly psychos with nothing good to do in life or contribute to society.
Another reason why there's so many bad quality pages in this wiki is because, from 2017 to 2020, all the active admins suddenly became inactive for no explainable reason, allowing vandals to run wild and many low quality edits or pages stayed low quality. They also left a bunch of pages locked and as a result many pages stayed outdated.
We don't want this to happen again. As a result, we must all strive to keep this wiki as reliable as possible even though most wikis aren't reliable in the first place as they are subject to change.
Oh and once again, actions speak louder than words. Don't just say "okay we'll help fix this wiki" without doing much. If you don't have time, just feel free to clarify.
Our to-do list:
Make pages as reliable, up-to-date, formal, and clean as possible.
Ban vandals/trolls and revert vandalism as quickly as possible.
Stamp out the uncropped images and replace them with properly cropped/downloaded images (some user named SarulH in the past added a very large amount of images that are not cropped and are just extremely lazy screenshots of Google searches)
Delete or revamp most of this wiki's categories, as majority of them are clutter. This is way too difficult to clean by editing and may require the help of a bot.
Please, if you think something added to a page is unnecessary or informal even if it's made in good faith, just remove it or revise it to be something more formal. If you're unsure, ask @Eviltopia for advice as he's good at this thing even though he's not a frequent editor. If something in a shark's trivia section is a fact about the shark in real life and not the shark in game, consider removing it or revising it unless it has some correlation to the shark in-game.
A few days ago, I just decided to take a break for a day or two from editing this wiki, and felt nothing bad could happen. I was dead wrong.
Some fellow named "JPstarMOVIE" started creating fake pages on this wiki (like "Amazon River", "Yellow Tang", "African Great Lakes" and other stuff). Whether they didn't read the last rule on this wiki's Home Page or they're doing this on purpose as vandalism, I'm shocked nobody was able to catch them in the act. Stuff like this has happened before, but for some reason nobody paid attention to this person.
Thankfully, JPstarMOVIE has been banned globally and I deleted their false pages, which leads me to believe they may have vandalized other wikis (not just this one) or had a record of bad behavior somewhere else. However, if they not had been globally banned, we would probably have to deal with a lot of fake pages and the trouble of banning this guy.
Which leads me to remind you all; be more active here. You don't want to wake up and see a whole lot of mess to deal with. This is still fine as the user got blocked from Fandom before I could catch them and before they could do more damage to this wiki, but please make sure to constantly scan recent changes for any suspicious activity.
TL;DR I didn't edit for a couple of days, some random user named JPstarMOVIE created a bunch of fake pages here, nobody noticed, they got globalled before anyone could see the vandalism, I deleted the fake pages. Be more active here.
Thank you.
Can someone give me screenshots of the fully upgraded stats of the sharks in HSP? I need them for the shark pages. Thanks.
The diver part of the human article has bad grammar and is outdated plz fix it
12 Votes in Poll
The changes aren't very big but they aren't minor either.
I didn't want to edit the Main Page directly just yet, so I fitted it into a blog post, but it sadly is glitched out if I place it within a blog, so I had to edit the Main Page itself.
See the Home Page and its new changes for yourself.
If you prefer the old Main Page, I will revert it. If admins approve, then it will stay in its new state. Feel free to suggest improvements.
Thank you.