Ideas of mine(check the reply that i am showing it)
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As you can see, I got 101 million with Abyssaurus Rex in 3 minutes, so it IS possible to score very high. no help, no pets, no gadgets, no nothing. And you can see it's Abyssaurus via the button icon.
In general he is capable of getting over 300 million, maybe even close to 400 when playing legitimately.
With gadgets I got like 900 million. I am gonna play again in a couple of days if you want to and screenshot high scores with him.
Still Magmajira, Luminite, Behemoth (and Behellmouth) and Sharknarok score over 1 billion and reach close to 2 billion.
Do you guys know why this happens actually ??? I do know. So if you know send me a personal message. If you don't, ask me to explain. (It's not because they are ''better''.
And here with Behellmouth I got WITHOUT anything, almost 1.9 billion points in ONE life.
With ALL upgrades, but not max level.
the town doesnt like that, creates mecha sharkjira
Sharkjira loses to mecha sharkjira
Veteran gathers up all sharks to fight mecha sharkjira (fail?)
Veteran gets a metal jaw
Shin Sharkjira is eventually victorious
Dark Magic shark is a Thresher given powers by Abyssal
Currently I only have the Megamouth, but I'm getting Buzz soon.
Why does glutwell despite being an pollutant company have a flower logo?
The megalodon and sharkjira branches are already 5 and 3...
8 Votes in Poll
I was playing as Natasha and near my spawnpoint was this strange black shark, that looked like a scaled down Megalodon. Whenever I swam near it, it would stop moving, and if I touched it, it would disappear.
I for one wanna throw my phone. How do I kill or rid my shark of it. Any thoughts?
14 Votes in Poll
I dont think it is for me