Hungry Shark Wiki
Hungry Shark Wiki
Whitetip Reef Shark
"Need a Bigger Shark!"
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Accessories are items that can be bought and equipped to your shark in Hungry Shark Evolution. They can be equipped to different areas on the shark; the head, eye, neck, and fin. The fin holds two accessories. Some accessories are equipped to unique places, such as the Skateboard under the shark, and Baby Sharks alongside the shark. They can be bought for Coins and Gems.

Name Description Cost
Laser Stuns prey, and awards x2 points to stunned eats 75,000 coins
Jetpack Allows your shark to fly. Unlocked for free by completing 50 missions 900 gems
Shark Vortex Emits from your shark and sucks in prey 120,000 coins
Skateboard Allows your shark to roll effortlessly over land 200 gems
Firework Increases boost speed by 50% 300 gems
Antidote Consumable. Neutralizes poison from jellyfish stings 100 coins each
Flak Jacket Consumable. Protects against mine explosions 100 coins each
Crab Fork Causes your shark to do double damage against Giant Crabs 100 gems
Blood Bath Increases blood and guts 50 gems
Basic Map Shows your location in the world 2,000 coins
Mission Map Reveals location of all mission shells 60 gems
Treasure Map Reveals location of all Sunken Treasures 130 gems
Baby Sharks
Baby Reef Shark Swims alongside your Reef Shark and eats prey. Increases boost energy by 10% 500 coins
Baby Mako Shark Swims alongside your Mako Shark and eats prey. Increases boost energy by 15% 1,000 coins
Baby Hammerhead Shark Swims alongside your Hammerhead Shark and eats prey. Increases boost energy by 15% 20 gems
Baby Tiger Shark Swims alongside your Tiger Shark and eats prey. Increases boost energy by 20% 50 gems
Baby Great White Shark Swims alongside your Great White Shark and eats prey. Increases boost energy by 25% 300 gems
Baby Megalodon Swims alongside your Megalodon and eats prey. Increases boost energy by 30% 300 gems
Little Daddy Swims alongside your Big Daddy and eats prey. Increases boost energy by 30% 900 gems
Snappy Junior Swims alongside your Mr. Snappy (Mosasaurus) and eats prey. Increases boost energy by 35% 900 gems
Astronaut Baby Reduces gravity by 50% and protects from depth and beaching damage. Can be equipped alongside standard babies 300 gems
Lava Baby Protects from Volcanic Jets and Mines. Can be equipped alongside standard babies 90,000 coins
Baby King Shark Increases gold by 50%. Can be equipped alongside standard babies 900 gems
Zephyr Baby Increases boost energy by 100%. Can be equipped alongside standard babies 900 gems
Clown Baby Gives one extra life per game. Can be equipped alongside standard babies 300 gems
Santa Baby Protects from ice-based attacks in the Christmas Wonderland. Can be equipped alongside standard babies 30 gems
Top Hat Increases points by 20% 50 gems
Crown Increases gold by 20% 300 gems
Moustache Increases points by 10% 20 gems
FGOLD Chain Increases gold by 5% 5 gems
Gold Ring Increases gold by 10% 50 gems
Diamond Ring Increases Gold Rush by 3 seconds 60 gems
Baseball Cap Increases points by 5% 250 coins
Fez Increases gold by 8% 2,500 coins
Flat Cap Increases points by 8% 800 coins
Punk Wig Increases Gold Rush by 2.5 seconds 1,000 coins
Cowboy Hat Increases gold by 6% 2,000 coins
Sombrero Increases Survival Bonus by 30% 5,000 coins
Monocle Increases Health by 10% 13,000 coins
Necklace Increases survival bonus by 10% 450 coins
Dog Collar Increases health by 5% 3,500 coins
Reindeer Antlers Increases boost speed by 15%. During December grants additional 15% bonus to points earned. N/A. Only obtainable by placing in top 1% during tournament.