The Aircraft Carrier is a location in Hungry Shark World located at the right edge of the Pacific Islands. The Aircraft Carrier appears to resemble WW1 aircraft carriers and battleships, suggested with the naval ram and the side cannons. It is longer than the Galleon Wreckage. There is also a shark cage nearby evil great white sharks, making the Aircraft carrier dangerous. There is also an Island just like the Island of Heads to the right of the Aircraft Carrier.
Entities and items[]
- Dolphins
- Mutant Dolphin
- Flying Fish
- Diver Speargun(World)
- Tropical Fish
- Sardines
- Shark Cages
- Evil Great Whites
- Enemy Megalodon (Hungry Shark World)
- Small Turtles
- Giant Turtles
- Parrots
- Whales
- Sailfish
- Mega Mines
- Policeman
- Ultra Mines
- Add anything else you see near the aircraft carrier
- The shipwreck in the Aircraft Carrier cannot be entered like the Galleon Wreckage. It has two holes in it that allow your shark to go to an island.
- Due to the abundance of creatures in the Aircraft Carrier, It is a good spot for gold rushes and even mega gold rushes. It is also a good place for finding HUNGRY letters.
- You can hear an ambience while you are in the Aircraft Carrier. It sounds like two chains carrying something.
- It bears resemblance to WW1 Aircraft Carriers, good example is USS Langley.
- The big exhaust vent next to the batteries is most likely fictional.
- The battery cannons on the side of the hull and in the midship is probably based off of battleships and Dreadnought cruisers around the time period, commonly having cannons mounted on the side.
- The smokestack you see on the wheelhouse is unrealistic. Because of how small the wheelhouse is, and the sheer size of the smokestack, makes the idea of having it mounted on the superstructure unrealistic. If it were truly realistic, the smokestack would be mounted behind the wheelhouse.
- The aircraft carrier appears to have a second deck slightly below the runway, possibly for storage or for a single-use run way launch.
- The aircraft carrier also seems to have a ram bow/naval ram, also suggesting it was sunk around ww1
In summary of the details of the Aircraft Carrier, it’s mostly fictional