Hungry Shark Wiki
The original, the undying, the alpha.
— In-game description

The Alpha Zombie Shark (abbreviated as AZS) is the 2nd apex shark. Mutated and undead, he has the same abilities as the Zombie Shark with boosted stats and the additional healing ability. He appeared on May 16th (2020) and cost 5,000 pearls which can be earned in extinction mode.


To be allowed to unlock and purchase this shark you first need a XXL shark, to obtain this shark you need to purchase him with 5,000 Pearls (or with deals, 2000 Pearls). Like other Apex and !! sharks, he can equip 3 pets, break purple crystals, and have an 8X multiplier during Gold Rush. An interesting design is that he loses flesh when he loses health, which is unique to this shark in that no other shark has changes to its animations and design during loss of health. It can work as a warning when health is low.


Like the Zombie Shark, eating enemy sharks causes them to become pets and turn into zombies but unlike Zombie Shark they last until you die or if you press the Alpha's special ability. The Alpha's special ability is to consume all your zombie sharks and from it, shoot a barrage of purple orbs in all directions that also heal you for each creature killed by it, similar to the Meltdown Shark. He can eat everything except Red Jellyfish, Lion's Mane Jellyfish, Proximity Mines, Mega Mines, and Ultra Mines, but the orbs and the explosion will kill everything. At a mega rush or a normal gold rush, Alpha Zombie Shark can preserve boost that he can move inherently fast, similar to that of Meltdown Shark's speed.


Alpha Zombie Shark resembles a Megalodon and is a mainly enhanced version of his original form, the Zombie Shark who is originally a Megalodon. Eventually, he turned into a very skeleton-revealed creature with enhanced explosive souls/orbs that can be activated by destroying his kind's cells, he is mainly cyan in color with many red flesh in many parts of his body, he has a revealing extended teeth that is broken apart in his lower jaw, his skeletal structure is very revealing and are turned into very spikey uncleaned bones, his regeneration is also reacting to the power inside him that is a very big type of orb, which explodes at will when he dies. He also regenerates his flesh in instants.

Pros and Cons[]


  • Can zombify 3 sharks that act as pets.
  • Can consume his zombies to release purple orbs that can destroy everything.
  • The orbs go in all directions.
  • Low to moderate health drain (at the start of the game and after detonating zombie followers).
  • Zombies last until it dies or uses its ability, unlike the normal Zombie Shark.
  • Can make a team of 6 companions (3 pets and 3 Zombie Followers), that help him with eating Prey.
  • Can jump an ungodly distance from water due to the short effective burst of boost (even surpassing Mr Snappy in some circumstances)
  • Extremely high speed when boosting (faster than Meltdown Shark when not supercharged with toxic barrels and the extra speed he gains from activating his ability)
  • It is impossible to get beaching damage if you boost repeatedly on land.
  • Useful in points and gold contest (especially in gold contests given the fact the shark has an extremely wide bite radius and is capable of consuming many edibles/preys in a single go during Gold Rush and Mega Gold Rush)
  • Loses flesh when on low health, warning players that mainly look at the shark and pay less attention to the health bar.


  • The least amount of boost in the entire game.
  • Healing is not that much upon use of the ability
  • You must have zombies in order for your ability to function
  • The button placement is in a very bad position, you will most likely detonate your sharks out of nowhere
  • Very expensive (5,000 pearls).
  • Fastest health drain in HSW (6.8 per second 0.025 increments)
  • The boost is only 89, making it difficult for him to use the jetpack
  • Cannot zombify sharks during Gold Rush



HP (Increase by Level)
Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HP 535 536 538 539 540 541 542 543 545 546
Level: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
HP 547 548 549 551 552 553 554 555 557 558
Level: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
HP 559 560 561 563 564 565 566 567 569 570
Speed, Bite & Boost Upgrades
Level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Speed 376 381 385 390 394 399 403 408 412 417 421 to 875
Bite 506 555 605 654 703 753 802 851 900 950 999
Boost 71 73 75 76 78 80 82 84 85 87 89
Cost: 4,500 7,500 11,250 15,000 22,500 30,000 37,500 48,000 60,000 75,000
Total Cost: 311,250 × 3 = 933,750 coins


Objective Reward Final Mission?
100,000,000 points total 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Companions eat 10,000 of any edible 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
25,000 Coins in 1 swim 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Create a Zombie army in extinction mode! 2 Schematics, 1,500 coins Yes

Total rewards: 5 Schematics, 6,000 coins


  • The Alpha Zombie Shark is a Megalodon and shares similar appearance traits to the Zombie Shark, and has similar base abilities as him (Turns three sharks into zombie pets and when they are blown up, gives the player shark health). However the Alpha has a more mutated and monstrous design with a prominently exposed mandible as well as protruding bones and veins. He also carries a “core” in his body.
  • The Alpha Zombie Shark will lose more of his skin and muscles depending on his health showing his skeletal structure, the only shark in HSW to be able to actively undergo design changes during the game due to loss of health. Some in HSE is Luminite, which becomes red in fins when near at death.
  • The Alpha zombie shark alongside the Apex sharks cannot equip costumes like the king set.
  • In the contests, sometimes players will find out that the apex tier sharks can wear costumes. This is possibly a glitch or a cheat.
  • The pet - like zombie followers can last forever unless you use your special ability or die which is useful.
  • His short but rapidly swift boosts may be a reference to how a zombie violently lurches at someone in short and aggressive bursts.
  • His max health is 570.

