Hungry Shark Wiki
Aquilolamna soars through the primal waters effortlessly; cheerfully devouring everything in its path.
— In-game description

Aquilo (Aquilolamna) is a Rare Shark from Hungry Shark Primal.


AbilityIcon DoubleJump
  • Double Jump: Aquilo can double jump out of water with a second boost.

Pros and Cons[]


  • Ability allows you to go over land easily
  • Good boost bar
  • Speedy, allowing it to dodge enemies and catch up with prey
  • Can jump high to catch flying creatures
  • Can go to extreme heights with Double Jump


  • Mostly weak against enemy attacks
  • Deals the least damage out of every shark in-game
  • Low health, making it vulnerable to attackers
  • Its ability is not beneficial when defending itself against predators, unless it is near the surface where Aquilo can make a quick escape
  • Speed is occasionally hard to control


  • Aquilo Fossil

    Aquilo's fossil, which is shaped more similarly to Creto

    The Double Jump ability refers to the fact that this species in real life could ''glide'', albeit in the water.
  • Its fossil oddly resembles the Creto more. This may change.
  • Some consider Aquilolamna a shark, but others considered a shark-like elasmobranch instead and not an actual shark species.
  • A bug may occur in which it could fly out of bounds with its ability.
  • Aquilolamna was actually a filter feeder like whale sharks and basking sharks.
  • ln real life, Aquilolamna was a very slow swimming shark as opposed to how speedy and nimble it is in-game.

