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Army Choppers are mini-bosses that appear in Hungry Shark World. Unlike regular choppers, Army Choppers have a military green color instead of white, shoots missiles, and lack a Glutwell Corp icon. Despite this, they are still probably made by Glutwell due to the fact that they are army choppers and Glutwell owns a Military Base in the Pacific Islands Arctic Ocean.


Army Choppers can be found throughout the Arctic Ocean, Arabian Sea, and South China Sea. The areas where they can be found include the Military Base, Village, Kempy's Fortress, Beach, Oil Rig, Shanty Town, City, and Dock Yard.

How to defeat it[]

Army Choppers are similar to Deep Sea Subs when it comes to destruction. You can ram into it a few times to destroy it. This may be difficult to do due to the constant missiles that army choppers shoot. Another way to kill them is by boosting into them in Mega Gold Rush or Super Size Mode, as you can one-shot them. Another similarity between Deep Sea Subs and army choppers in terms of destruction is that !! sharks can't destroy them in a single hit like Single Man Subs or regular choppers. Yet another way to defeat it is to use Buzz. Buzz can latch onto submarines and choppers and destroy them easily. Use boost to increase the damage dealt to it.

The easiest way to destroy one is with an Apex shark (can destroy it in one hit) or Dark Magic Shark (its lasers can easily destroy an Army Chopper).


Step 1: Equip an L shark or larger.

  • Step 2: Find an Army Chopper
  • Step 3: (Jet Pack Required) Use Boost to fly up & attack
  • Step 4: Dodge the missiles or use forcefield.
  • Step 5: Hit again and again
  • Step 6: Keep on fighting!
  • Step 7: After you have destroyed the chopper you will have gained a lot of points

The attacking will be easier with Buzz, so if you have him, use him. If you don’t have Buzz then you can use the Dark Magic Shark. The Dark Magic Shark can shoot lasers if it is in Gold Rush, Mega Gold Rush, or has its laser ready. All Apex sharks can destroy an Army Chopper with one hit.


  • When you boost into them, they will start to emit smoke. This is the same for regular choppers.
  • Using a jetpack is the most efficient way to destroy Army Choppers.
  • In some occasions, they don't shoot missiles at your shark. This can be a glitch.
  • Besides missiles, the Army Chopper also has a machine gun that it uses if the shark is right in front of it.
  • Due to its high reward, it is often prioritized during currency/score grinding.