Hungry Shark Wiki
Savvy and Charming, This legendary Swashbuckler of the seas seeks pirate treasure among the high seas! Turn everything he eats into gold. Can be equipped alongside standard babies
— In-game description

Baby Pirate is a Baby Shark in Hungry Shark Evolution. He has a pirate hook, another hook by the top fin, eye patch, a pirate outfit, pirate hat, and gold teeth. (Standard look for a pirate).


The Baby Pirate costs 900 gems. You can also obtain him by a contest (Saves 900 gems and gives an extra 200 gems!)

Is he good?[]

Well.., not really. He's not worth the 900 gems that you have to pay for this. He only eats small fish and the best he could do is eat stuff like Kempy bass!. And he doesn't eat frequently. He eats every minute. Well, he doesn't really eat, he shoots gold fireballs at fish and then they turn golden.


The Baby Pirate shoots gold balls to turn prey into gold when he eats it. He can be equipped with other standard pets.


  • When you eat a fish that Baby pirate turned gold it will give the accolade: Argh me doubloons or Savvy.
  • He doesn't eat but shoots gold balls to golden prey.


