Hungry Shark Wiki
Legend says his pointy nose can freeze and shatter targets! Luckily, the snowshark is not very attached to his nose...
— In-game description

The Baby SnowShark was a prize baby shark that made its first appearance during the 2018 SharkMas event.

It is a special baby shark that can be equipped alongside baby sharks and other special sharks, if the player has brought the Shark Signal. It has the ability to freeze prey for you similar to the Ice Baby.


In-game description for obtaining, "Complete the Snowman Quest in the Titanic Portal to win your exclusive Baby SnowShark!"

To unlock it the player is required to travel to the Titanic Zone and build the snowman by finding all its five missing pieces. Having the Sleigh equipped can make the event easier as it features a magnet ability which increases your collection range for event items.

It returns every Sharkmas.


The Baby SnowShark shoots its nose at prey to freeze them. It also eats prey healing you. It can also be assigned alongside standard baby sharks.


