Hungry Shark Wiki
A heavy duty shark with the widest mouth
— In-game description.

The Basking Shark is one of the many sharks added into Hungry Shark World and is one of the 4 XXL tier sharks in the game alongside The Frenzy, the Great White Shark, and the Whale Shark. Since it has a very wide mouth, it can be used to offensively rampage through many creatures in the water, as well as out of water.

Pros and Cons[]


  • Very large mouth capable of eating large amounts of fish at once
  • Very large diet and high health
  • Can maneuver on land quite well
  • Reasonable speed


  • It has the lowest speed in the class XXL
  • Can get stuck in tight spaces, like the Swimming Pool
  • Large size makes it hard to avoid mines, pink and red jellyfish, volcano jets and toxic barrels
  • Very expensive and takes a long time to unlock and upgrade
  • Upgrades cost lots of coins
  • Even though it has big mouth, it does not have a stronger bite than the Whale Shark or Great White Shark, probably due to having very small teeth.


500 gems or 100,000 coins.


Objective Reward Final Mission?
2,000,000 points in 1 swim 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Eat 10,000 Fish 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
10,000 Coins in 1 swim 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Clean up Pacific Islands Junkyard of junk within the time limit 2 Schematics, 1,500 coins Yes

Total rewards: 5 Schematics, 6,000 coins.


  • In game, the Basking Shark eats humans, but in real life, it eats plankton. And it has a lot of small, sharp teeth that are totally useless.
  • It's one of the only 3 filter feeding sharks in Hungry Shark World. The others are Megamouth Shark and Whale Shark.
  • The Basking Shark and the Whale Shark are the only sharks in Hungry Shark World without teeth.
  • The Basking Shark originally costed 120,000 coins, however it later got updated by costing 100,000 coins.
  • Basking Shark has no enemy variant in the IOS and Android versions, however it does have one in the console version.


