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Hungry Shark Wiki
Bog Brush

Bog Brush

The Bog Brush is a Sunken Treasure and a dirty toilet brush in Hungry Shark Evolution. You may require a Jetpack (HSE) to reach it.



Hungry shark evolution, all 15 sunken (hidden) object locations found in one swim using Megalodon

The Bog Brush is found in the far left of the Tiger Shark's spawn drop point, in one of the rocky openings. You must either jump 3 times over rocks to reach this item or any big shark can jump over the tall opening near the center of the map, (but could involve avoiding a harpoon boat, speargun divers, or an Enemy Megalodon). Big Sharks are likely to get stuck between the rocks so it may be considered one of the harder items to get depending on your shark. Sharks from Leo and above can get it without any trouble.


  • The Bog Brush is directly right of a spawn point of the Enemy Megalodon.
  • The Bog brush is a toilet brush in British.
  • When using Leo, or above, it is easy to reach it due to the fact that you can break through the rocks to reach it.
  • In old versions, its name is read out by the same voice as the Framed Picture of an Egg when collected.

  • The lowest tier shark to be able to reach it without the jetpack (unless they reach it via the eastern part of the map) seems to be the Megalodon (HSE).
  • In the Hungry Shark Short called “The Daily Grind”, the Great White Shark uses it (or a similar brush) as a toothbrush.