Hungry Shark Wiki

Dolphins are a hostile prey in Hungry Shark World. This enemy can only be eaten by Medium Sharks and above. When a Small Shark is bitten by a Dolphin it will take away approximately 1/8 of their health but if they attack in groups, it will deal a massive amount of damage.


Dolphins are rather rare creatures, as they are only found in specific locations. They are not very dangerous on their own, but they are more of a problem when you find many of them. Unfortunately for the player, they always spawn in big numbers, which makes it much easier for them to do lots of damage. They attack when the player gets too close to them, and they will attack by swimming in a line each taking turns biting the Shark. Fortunately, Dolphins will not pursue the player like enemy sharks will. They can be a huge problem for sharks under the M tier since they can take down the shark in mere seconds if they are a group. Even if the player has a bigger shark, they are still a nuisance and not that easy to kill.


They appear in the Pacific Islands map and the Arctic Ocean. They are located to the left and under the Island of Heads and near the surface to the left of the Aircraft Carrier in the Pacific Islands map, and the Golf Course in the Arabian sea. They are also found in the South China Sea near the Slum Tower and Sunken Cargo Ship



  • The Dolphin seems to be one of the rarest non-Enemy Shark preys other than the Kempy Foot in Hungry Shark World.
  • When eaten, it makes a realistic dolphin squeak.
  • A mutated version known as the Mutant Dolphin exists.