An evil great white making a foolish attack on a player's Atomic shark

Enemy XXL Sharks
A Great White
1. Enemy Great White Sharks are the most common Enemy XXL Sharks. They can be found at almost every location in the game (HSW). As their appearance suggests, they are very powerful and aggressive Sharks. Since they're mainly found in enclosed spaces, escaping them can be a somewhat of a challenge. On the flip side, one can easily eat them if they are equipped with an XXL or !! shark. These sharks are VERY dangerous since they hang out in groups of 4-7.
2. Enemy Whale shark is exclusively found in the South China Sea. In spite their size, they don't pose much of a threat to the player. A Basking Shark can easily take down this gentle giant.
3. Enemy Basking Shark. Console Exclusive, only found in the Arctic Ocean.