Hungry Shark Wiki
Enemy sharks

Some of evil sharks in Hungry Shark Evolution

Evil (or enemy) Sharks appear in most of the Hungry Shark games as hostile counterparts to the playable sharks. They have different, darker appearances than the regular sharks to denote their evil nature. In Hungry Shark Evolution, there are seventeen different enemy sharks that serve as hostile creatures for the player. Their goal is to threaten the regular sharks throughout each installment of the Hungry Shark series, though some older titles are no longer available.

Hungry Shark Trilogy Enemy Sharks[]

Hungry Shark Night Enemy Sharks[]

  • Evil Tiger Shark
  • Evil Hammerhead Shark
  • Evil Great White Shark

Hungry Shark Evolution Enemy Sharks[]

Standard Sharks:

Evil Reef Shark Icon Evil Reef Shark Evil Hammerhead Icon Evil Hammerhead Evil GW (HSE) Icon Evil Great White Enemy Megalodon (HSE) Icon Enemy Megalodon
Enemy Big Daddy Icon Enemy Big Daddy Enemy Mr. Snappy (HSE) Icon Enemy Mr. Snappy Enemy Alan Icon Enemy Alan Enemy Moby Dick Icon Enemy Moby Dick
Enemy Leo Icon Enemy Leo Enemy Nessie Icon Enemy Nessie Enemy Sharkjira Icon Enemy Sharkjira Enemy Abysshark Icon Enemy Abysshark
Enemy Kraken Icon Evil Kraken Enemy Luminite Icon Enemy Luminite Enemy Behemoth Evil Behemoth Enemy Viking Icon Enemy Viking

Evolved Sharks:

Enemy Magmajira Icon Enemy Magmajira

Special Sharks:

Enemy Electro Shark Icon Enemy Electro Shark Enemy Ice Shark Icon Enemy Ice Shark Enemy Robo Shark Icon Enemy Robo Shark Enemy Pyro Shark Icon Enemy Pyro Shark

Other Evil Sharks:

The Imp Icon Imp Alien Reef Shark Icon Alien Reef Shark Flying Great White Icon Flying Great White Zombie Shark (HSE) Icon Zombie Shark

Hungry Shark World Enemy Sharks[]

Standard Sharks:

Enemy Blacktip Reef shark Icon Evil Blacktip Reef Shark Evil Whitetip Reef Shark Icon Evil Whitetip Reef Shark Evil Blue Shark Icon Evil Blue Shark Evil Thresher Shark Icon Evil Thresher Shark
Evil Smooth Hammerhead Icon Evil Smooth Hammerhead Evil Bull Shark Icon Evil Bull Shark Evil Goblin Shark Icon Evil Goblin Shark Evil Mako Shark icon Evil Mako Shark
Evil Megamouth Shark Icon Evil Megamouth Shark Evil Tiger Shark Icon Evil Tiger Shark Evil Whale Shark Icon Evil Whale Shark Evil Great White Shark Icon Evil Great White Shark
Enemy Megalodon Icon Enemy Megalodon Enemy Big Momma Icon Enemy Big Momma Enemy Atomic Shark Icon Enemy Atomic Shark Enemy Mecha Sharkjira Enemy Mecha Sharkjira

Console Exclusive Sharks:

Evil Porbeagle Shark Icon Evil Porbeagle Evil Spike Icon Evil Spike Evil Sand Shark Icon Evil Sand Shark Evil Great Hammerhead Icon Evil Great Hammerhead
Evil Basking Shark Icon Evil Basking Shark Enemy Zombie Shark Icon Enemy Zombie Shark Enemy Buzz Icon Enemy Buzz Enemy Mr Enemy Mr. Snappy

Other Evil Sharks:

While many hostile shark counterparts carry the label "Evil," others are termed simply as "Enemy" sharks. The specific naming is unimportant, as all such function comparably to their playable counterparts.

Hungry Shark Trilogy[]

Enemy sharks appear in a brown-orange coloration, distinguishing them visually from the playable sharks available for user control.

Hungry Shark: Night[]

Enemy sharks are colored more similarly to the shark that the player is using.

Hungry Shark Evolution[]

More species of evil sharks are included in Hungry Shark Evolution. They usually have a darker appearance or a different color scheme than the normal sharks. The evil shark that is most distinct from its playable counterpart is the Evil Kraken; he is red, while Kraken is blue. Such species include the Evil Reef Shark, Evil Hammerhead, Evil Great White, and the aforementioned Megalodon. There are however no Evil Mako or Tiger Sharks, but recently, new evil sharks were introduced, the Enemy Leo, Enemy Nessie, Enemy Sharkjira, Enemy Abysshark, Evil Kraken and the most recent, Enemy Luminite. Standard Evil Sharks in Hungry Shark Evolution doesn't use any of their playable counterpart's abilities and evolved sharks don't have enemy versions (with the exception of Magmajira whose enemy counterpart got added in the Behellmouth update).

Hungry Shark World[]

All enemy sharks in Hungry Shark World look similar to the player's shark, except that they are darker and have different textures (player's Tiger Shark is orange, Evil Tiger Shark is darker orange, player's Megalodon is dark khaki, Enemy Megalodon has some blood on its mouth and is olive, the enemy sharks always have cuts, bloods, injuries throughout their own bodies.


  • For the special sharks, there are no Evil Mako Sharks, Evil Tiger Sharks, Enemy Natasha the Narwhals, Enemy Ghost Sharks, Enemy Sharkeleons or Enemy Weresharks.
  • Evil Reef Sharks, Evil Hammerhead Sharks and Zombie Sharks are the only three types of enemy/evil sharks that can spawn in groups or pairs. More powerful enemy/evil sharks, such as the Evil Great White and the Enemy Megalodon, spawns individually.
  • In Hungry Shark World, a trombone sound is heard when Evil Sharks appear.
  • When player's shark gets killed by some bigger evil shark, it is very often that it disappears immediately. That probably happens to make opportunity for player's shark to move into safer place after paying gems for continuing. But because of a bug, Enemy Sharkjira never disappears.
  • All of the sharks have to be eaten by at least the corresponding shark.
    • The Evil Reef Shark is the only shark that can be eaten by every playable shark.
    • Enemy Megalodons can only be eaten by another Megalodon or a Big Daddy, unless eaten with a gold rush by smaller sharks.
    • Enemy Big Daddies can only be eaten by another Big Daddy without a Gold Rush.
    • The Evil Ice Shark can be eaten by the Robo Shark, Ice Shark and sharks unlocked after the Great White Shark without a Gold Rush.
    • The Ice Shark is the 1st special shark with an enemy counterpart, the 2nd being the Robo Shark.
    • Some Evil/Enemy Sharks are larger than their fully leveled counterparts but not necessarily more powerful.
    • Although enemy sharks that don't exist appear on the hungry shark world diets, those sharks could be real but it's unknown if they're real or not.
    • Most Evil/Enemy Sharks have a darker color or different color scheme than their playable counterparts.

