Hungry Shark Wiki
ā€œ Ancestral mother of all sharks, Gaia is the primordial entity of all life. ā€

Gaia is the newest !! shark in Hungry Shark World. She can be purchased for 750,000 coins or 1,500 gems. The player is required to own Big Momma and Killer Whale before being able to purchase Gaia.

Prior to v5.6.1, she was unlocked by completing the Protect Baby Shark event, which has since been removed. After completing the event, she could be purchased for 1,500 gems.


Like all !! Sharks, she can equip 3 pets and break Purple Crystals. During Gold Rush, her points multiplier is 8x.

Gaia's diet consists of anything except for red jellyfish, king jellyfish, proximity mines, mega mines, and ultra mines.


Gaia is one of the most expensive sharks in the Tier !! in the game alongside Dark Magic Shark, with both costing 750,000 coins. For deal/discounts you can buy Gaia for 170 gems.


Blossom Mine

  • Blossom Mine: Gaia constantly leaves mines that have the appearance of blossoms that explode into flowers and kill nearby enemies. This ability is automatic.

Thorn Mines

  • Thorn Mine: Gaia fires powerful mines that explode into thorny vines. This ability can be used multiple times in a row before recharging, which it does very quickly. During gold rush and mega gold rush, thorn mines are released rapidly around Gaia similar to blossom mines but at a much higher rate.


Her appearance and abilities are very nature-esque, having branch antlers with flower blossoms on them as well as crystals and leaves on her body. Her Blossom Mine ability summons flowers and her Thorn Mine ability summons thorned vines.

Pros and Cons[]


  • Thorn Mine ability recharges very fast when it runs out fully.
  • The Blossom Mine ability is automatic which means you can constantly destroy prey around.
  • Very strong during gold rush with the rapid thorn mines spawn + automatic blossom mine + ability thorn mine.
  • She is pretty fast making projectiles easy to avoid.
  • She is the smallest !! in the game even smaller than XL Sharks so she can fit in vents and other locations that normally a !! shark can't fit.


  • Fast health drain.
  • Pretty labour-intensive to unlock if you unlock it the normal way.
  • Cost 1,500 gems while taking at least 2 days to rescue baby sharks at 100/100.
  • Parabolic, so her ability must be close to the enemy to hit better, not as stable as DMS laser


  • Since Gaia is extremely overpowered in Gold Rushes, wearing the pirate set with this shark is recommended.
  • Continuously spam the ability.
  • Try using three finger controls.
  • During Extinction, getting the Health Drains Boost mutation will severely weaken Gaia due to her low health and making her loose a somewhat high boost so itā€™s best to avoid this mutation.


HP (Increase by Level)
Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HP 224 228 232 236 240 244 249 253 257 261
Level: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
HP 265 270 274 278 282 286 290 295 299 303
Level: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
HP 307 311 315 320 324 328 332 336 341 345
Speed, Bite & Boost Upgrades
Level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Speed 362 375 389 403 417 431 445 458 472 486 500
Bite 242 257 272 288 303 318 334 349 364 379 395
Boost 405 454 502 550 599 648 696 744 793 842 890
Cost: āœ• 3,000 5,000 7,500 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 32,000 40,000 50,000
Total Cost:  207,500 coins Ɨ 3 = 622,500 coins coins


Objective Reward Final Mission?
Gain a score of 100,000,000 with THORN or BLOSSOM mines on Pacific Islands 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Defeat 250 Submarines with THORN or BLOSSOM mines on Pacific Islands 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Collect 2,500 coins in a single Gold Rush 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Complete 3 Baby Shark rescues in this order: 1. Arctic Ocean,

2. Arabian Sea, 3. South China Sea

2 Schematics, 1,500 coins Yes

Total rewards: 4 Schematics, 6,000 coins


  • The name Gaia originated from a Greek Goddess known for being the mother of all life on earth.
  • Gaia had the same unproper update release similar to the Frenzy Shark as she was released prior to after the Abyssal Shark update.
  • Gaia is the only Tier !! Shark with no customazible skin.


Promotional art[]


