Hungry Shark Wiki
An unusual shark with very high durability.
— In-game description

The Goblin Shark is the second L Tier shark unlocked in Hungry Shark World. The large sharks are to be unlocked once you level up any M Tier shark to their max level. The goblin shark is an L Tier shark which has the most health in the L Tier category. The goblin shark can eat Killer Whales, enemy L Tier sharks and Lionfish. This shark can grow to about 17 feet (around 5 meters). He's the first shark to gain access to the Arabian Sea. His max health is 196.

Pros and Cons[]



  • Slow shark. (Can be eaten easily due to the amount of Max Speed)
  • Pretty average stats compared to other L sharks.


Objective Reward Final Mission?
250,000 points in 1 swim 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Eat 100 Arctic Char 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
400 Coins in 1 Gold Rush 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Eat all the Jellyfish before you're overwhelmed in the Galleon Hull 2 Schematics, 1,500 coins Yes

Total rewards: 5 Schematics, 6,000 coins


