Hungry Shark Wiki

For the Hungry Shark World variants, see here Smooth Hammerhead, and here Great Hammerhead.

The Hammerhead is a cunning hunter. It has a ferocious bite and can grow to a large size.
— In-game description

The Hammerhead Shark is a male shark that debuted first in Hungry Shark: Night as a premium purchase. In Hungry Shark Evolution, he is the third standard shark to be unlocked. He can reach up to 5.6 meters long and dive deep at 200 meters.


The Hammerhead Shark has a distinctive hammer-shaped head with eyes extending to the sides with a notably light brown colored body and a white underside.


The Hammerhead Shark, though moderately strong, has the ability to consume a wide variety of prey. His diet permits him in eating lionfish and other hammerheads in addition to what the Mako Shark typically consumes. Even at level one, the hammerhead's bite proves to be effective, he can take down most prey in under a second. His meal choices afford advantages against usual enemies outside deep waters. An extensive boost meter further aids hunting, letting him handily handle the first two giant crabs while the third and fourth may test his limits. His gape facilitates swallowing many organisms in a single motion, like several fish or stingrays.


Like all sharks in the game, the Hammerhead Shark has a set of individual goals. For all sharks, its Extra Goal is unlocked by completing all prior goals. The list of goals and their respective rewards is as follows:

Name Objective Reward
Crab Clearance Eat 40 crabs 400 Coins
Speed Eat Sardines Eat 30 sardines within a minute 450 Coins
Stingray Revenge Eat 5 sting rays 350 Coins
Jellyless Swim Swim 1,000m without getting stung 250 Coins
Fish Feast Eat 200 fish 350 Coins
3 Sunken Objects Find 3 sunken objects 400 Coins
Survival Pro Survive for 8 minutes 300 Coins
Cannibal Run Eat 20 Enemy Sharks 375 Coins
Super Mission 3 Score over 100,000 points 1,500 Coins


Reminder that this list includes the Mako Shark's natural prey and not prey available to him during Gold Rushes.

Pros & Cons[]


  • Can eat lionfish and enemy hammerhead sharks as prey.
  • Possesses decent base stats and abilities.
  • Benefits from a broad, diverse selection of food sources.
  • Capable of outswimming potential threats.
  • Hunting missions provide high boosts to resources.
  • Able to consume multiple smaller animals in one bite.
  • Moderate health and boost power at default level.
  • Upgrading to DarkHammer greatly amplifies him.


  • Moderate health drain when attacking.
  • Spawns far from central map areas, requiring lengthy travel.
  • High costs to initially unlock and later upgrade abilities.
  • Slow experience gains results in lengthy leveling.
  • Completely vulnerable if beached on land unable to swim.
  • Slower swimming speed than lower tier sharks hampers chasing prey.


  • The Hammerhead Shark in Hungry Shark Evolution is based on the real-life Hammerhead shark, known as Sphyrnidae.
  • The Hammerhead Shark appears a favored starting species among new players crafting theories.
  • Achieving a gold rush ability demands accumulating 10,000 points as a hammerhead.
  • In Hungry Shark World, Smooth and Great Hammerhead variants diverge in dimensions and attributes notably. However, Evolution includes solely one Hammerhead option.
  • Since March 16, 2021, evolving into DarkHammer upgrades his strength.
  • Previously, unlocking Hammerhead cost 6,000 coins.
  • Per Hungry Shark's official outlets, this shark's name is "Bruno."



* The real-life Hammerhead Shark

