The Island of Heads is an area in Hungry Shark World located at the left edge of the Pacific Islands. As the name suggests, It is an island with several Tiki and Moai statues on it. This island is unique as it has grass and turtles on the surface. It is located on the far left of the map.
Entities and Items[]
A Smooth Hammerhead on the left side of the Island of heads.
- Tourists
- Swimmers
- Tube Men
- Parrots
- Small Turtles
- Large Turtles
- Dolphins
- Crabs
- Shark Cages
- Policemen
- Evil L sharks
- Evil Great White Shark
- Add anything else you see near the Island of heads
A Smooth Hammerhead on the right side of the Island of heads. Notice the girl humans mentioned in the trivia section and the shark cage boat nearby.
- For an unknown reason, most humans on the Island of Heads are female. The only men are Policemen.
- There is a volcano in the background next to the Island of Heads.
- There is a bug where Turtles spawn so quickly that they are scattered across the island and sometimes more abundant than humans.