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Kempy Foot
Screenshot 2023.12.21 22.56.28

shin sharkjira next to kempy foot

The Kempy Foot is a rare prey in Hungry Shark World which yields a reward of one gem when eaten. He spawns rarely in the Arctic Ocean map, in the Kempy Fortress, once at a time. He can also spawn very rarely in the Military Base or the Village while having a chance to spawn on top of the Puffin Rock. He looks like a yeti and has a face similar to the Kempy Bass.



  • He is the Kempy Bass equivalent of Hungry Shark World.
  • Rarely, he randomly spawns on icebergs, in the Military Base, and on Puffin Rock, instead of his fortress.
    • Whether this is intentional or a bug is unknown.
  • As the Kempy Bass is dead in Hungry Shark World, it may possibly be a reincarnation of him.