Hungry Shark Wiki

The Laser Beam or simply Laser, is a premium accessory introduced to Hungry Shark Evolution in the Shark Week update of 2013. It has the ability to stun prey and double their point yield. This item is also available in Hungry Shark World for 24,000 coins.


The Laser costs 75,000 coins to unlock. It can then be equipped by any shark in their "Head Slot".


When equipped, the Laser points in many different directions and automatically fires red laser beams rapidly at prey (it will not fire beams at creatures your shark can't eat, such as Jellyfish or Mini-Subs). This stuns the prey, paralyzing them and making them emit a red glow for a few seconds. If eaten while stunned, the prey will yield double the amount of points than usual.

The Laser is a useful accessory. It makes prey easier to catch and the points bonus helps trigger gold rushes a lot faster. It's pretty strong, recommended buying.


  • Upon its release, the Laser cost 95,000 Coins.
  • At one point, it cost 54,000 Coins (This is due to a glitch).
  • Some dislike the Laser because of its appearance and the continuous noise it makes.
  • The Laser seems to be the loudest accessory.
  • No matter the shark you use, the Laser can't stun mini subs, the giant crab, jellyfish, or helicopters.
  • It has the same price as the Ice Shark.
  • It is hard to use with Mr. Snappy, Alan or most other fast sharks because they are so fast that the laser can't successfully shoot at an enemy.
  • You may not need the laser if you have a large shark or the Missile Launcher, which is an upgraded version that kills prey instead of stunning it.
  • The Laser can stun torpedoes if they bounce off your Shark (torpedoes will bounce off Big Daddy and some other large sharks)
  • When the Laser is equipped on your shark, it will briefly emit a red glow.
  • It may be a reference to Austin Powers.


