Hungry Shark Wiki

The Mako Shark is a shark in Hungry Shark World. He is an L tier shark and the 3rd shark in his tier, as well as the last normal L shark.

Pros and Cons[]


  • Very fast, allowing him to escape predators and catch prey.
  • He travels really far in game, useful for L Shark contests in distance.
  • Slender body helps him to dodge mines and jellyfish.
  • A good shark for getting to XL.
  • A speed specialist in his tier.


  • Most expensive shark of his tier.
  • Has below average health, lower than Bull and Goblin Shark.


Objective Reward Final Mission?
750,000 points total 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Eat 100 Emperor Penguins 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
500 Coins in 1 Gold Rush 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Make the ocean safe by destroying all mines on Pacific Islands 2 Schematics, 1,500 coins Yes

Total rewards: 5 Schematics, 6,000 coins


Name Description Cost In-game description


All stats maxed, obtain in skin section. 75 Gems This shark is powered up and ready to go!
Brawlhalla- Mako

Brawlhalla: Mako

Limited skin, obtain in Splash Pass season 3. Free Two words collide, Welcome the Brawlhalla Mako Shark


  • The Mako shark is a very fast shark, and can swim up to 46 miles per hour. They are very diverse and are found all over the world, pertaining to the fact that they are great ocean wanderers.
  • The Mako Shark in Hungry Shark Evolution is generally seen as a weak shark just stronger than the Reef Shark (HSE), however, in Hungry Shark World he is rather strong.
  • Mako is the last L standard shark other than the Ichthyosaur and Nurse Shark.
  • The Super Mission of the Mako Shark made it doable for players to get extremely high scores, due to the constantly respawning Blobfish. This was fixed, and the Blobfish were replaced by Mutant Crooked Fish.


