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Narwhals are a hostile prey that appears in Hungry Shark World in the Arctic Ocean. It can be a dangerous enemy to smaller Sharks as they can do fatal and massive damage to them, but are less of a hazard to medium sharks as they are the first tier that can eat it. It is not a very rare type of prey as it can be found fairly close to the Arctic Ocean Spawn, and are weak on its own but more dangerous in groups.
Narwhals will swim around normally, until they spot your Shark. When they spot your Shark, then they will turn to your Shark and stab it, then swim away. This attack method is similar to that of a Dolphin, as they also rapidly attack and retreat. they also have more similarities to dolphins, as they can make noises resembling laughs and can only be eaten by a medium shark and above. This type of prey (as was mentioned before) can be eaten only by Medium tier Sharks and above, unless, the said Shark has a Mega Gold Rush active.
Narwhals can be found in the Arctic Ocean in many places. They are usually found near the surface since (in real life) they breath air, as they are cetaceans, in-game, however, it is unknown whether they go up for air or not. When you find Narwhals, they usually spawn in groups of 2-3, and unlike Killer Whales they don't have baby versions of themselves.
- When you are using a shark that is below M tier, it is still possible to kill a Narwhal without a Mega Gold Rush. This is possible because Trevor can eat them or higher-tier pets such as Max, Chip etc.