Paragliders are prey in Hungry Shark Evolution. They are parasailers with parachutes being towed along by speedboats. Paragliders might yield gems when killed. There are two types: the first is the one attached to a speedboat, the other one is a paraglider flying in space.

Paragliders can be found in specific locations above the water. Their altitude fluctuates constantly but does so in a regular pattern.
They can also be found in space.
Paragliders do not perform any actions, but their entire selves are being hauled along by a speedboat, so they are still technically moving. If stunned in some way, they'll continue to move.
If shot with a tusk by Natasha, a Paraglider will drift from the boat and slowly sink to the seafloor.
- After the paraglider had been eaten, the speedboat can still be seen, no longer moving. That is, until your shark swims away and the boat is gone from view.
- The speedboat cannot be interacted with. It is placed behind your shark, so it is impossible to reach with the game's controls.
- If the paraglider is not golden during a gold rush, then it has a 100% chance of yielding a gem.
- It's nearly impossible to eat him with an Ice Shark.
- Paragliders, when eaten, makes the same roar sound as Enemy Megalodon, Enemy Mr. Snappy or Enemy Alan.

A parasailer eaten during a gold rush.