“ | Big one! | ” |
— A policeman.
Policemen are humans in Hungry Shark World. They spawn in the Pacific Islands and South China Sea.
Policemen appear in the Pacific Islands and South China Sea. In the Pacific Islands, they spawn on islands near other humans. Upon seeing the player's shark, they will typically shoot 1-4 times at the shark, run away a few meters, then repeat. If a Policeman reaches water, he will stop shooting and swim away from the shark. They behave similarly to Body Guards. Although their bullets deal quite a significant amount of damage (especially if you use a weak shark), they have poor aim and often miss. They also appear in the South China Sea, piloting Police Boats.
Eating a Policeman has a small chance of yielding a gem.
- Policemen in the Pacific Islands wear shorts, while Policemen in the South China Sea wear pants instead.