Hungry Shark Wiki

The Porbeagle is the 3rd playable shark in Hungry Shark World. He is unlocked upon 100% growth of the Extra-Small shark, Blacktip Reef Shark. He can also be bought for 35 gems.

Pros and Cons[]


  • Faster than Blacktip Reef Shark
  • Good stats
  • Best S shark in the game
  • Broken in his tier
  • Strongest shark of his tier


  • Slowest out of the S sharks


The Porbeagle is overall one of the easiest sharks in his tier to play due to the great quantities of prey which he could consume. Due to his good stats, it is possible to earn a lot of points with this shark if you play right and make use of accessories and gadgets.


The following table shows how the Porbeagle can be improved with upgrades.

Upgrade Speed Bite Boost Cost
Base 102 140 77 0
1 107 155 85 150
2 113 171 97 200
3 119 186 100 250
4 124 201 108 300
5 130 217 116 400
6 (Max) 136 232 124 500


Objective Reward Final Mission?
60,000 points total 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Eat 5 Sting Rays 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
1,250 total coins 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins No
Find and defeat your Nemesis on Pacific Islands 2 Schematics, 1,500 coins Yes

Total rewards: 5 Schematics, 6,000 coins


Jolly Roger[]

Jolly Roger skin

The Jolly Roger skin

In-Game Description[]

Always be yourself. Unless you can be a pirate.

Where to Obtain[]

The skin section of the porbeagle.

score record[] rule

fastest score:(No data)

longest score:(No data)



  • The Porbeagle is one of the most popular sharks in the community.
  • He has two skins, Jo Jo Sparkle, and Jolly Rodger.
  • Jo Jo Sparkle is also a shark exclusive to the Console Edition of Hungry Shark World. However, she is a Whitetip Reef Shark.
  • He is a mackerel shark and is the most closely related relative of the Great White Shark in-game.
  • Porbeagle was confirmed to be FGOL’s favorite shark according to a Twitter reply from them.

