Hungry Shark Wiki
Hungry Shark Wiki

A sailfish is a creature and hazard in Hungry Shark Evolution. Sailfish are extremely adapting swimmers, and they are able to easily escape pursuit from weaker sharks

Danger Rating[]

A sailfish has a danger rating of Medium. This means that it can inflict moderate damage with attacks.


Sailfish spawn in open water, usually above deep water. They appear in big groups.


  • Sailfish swim together when threatened. When they are peaceful, they slowly swim from side to side and occasionally alter their depth. However, when approached, they dart off at high speed together in a short burst and come to rest a brief distance further.
  • Sailfish never purposely attack; they only inflict damage if they spear your shark with their sharp tips.
  • When they go offscreen, they despawn. However, if you are fast enough you can see them bumping into a wall.
  • Some say that the "Spearfish" deals more damage and is more dangerous than the normal Sailfish.
  • Whenever the player's shark gets attacked by sailfish, random accolades like 'Shark Kebab!' and 'En Garde!' appear on the player's screen.



Alien Swordfish[]

The Alien Swordfish is a space version of the Sailfish. as per its name, it spawns in the Alien Planet. Its looks similar to the regular Sailfish except for the colors. They are currently removed from the game along with the Alien Planet.

Arctic Sailfish


The Spearfish is a different version of the Sailfish. As per its name, it spawns in the Titanic Zone, it has the exact same abilities that the Sailfish has, the only difference being the look and smaller.

Mutant Sailfish

Mutant Sailfish[]

Mutant Sailfish is the bigger version of the Sailfish. It appears in the Green Game Jam event. When the ocean is clean it won't spawn anymore.


