Hungry Shark Wiki
Shark Finners in HST

The Sea of Despair. Notice the shark finners.

The Sea of Despair was a location in Hungry Shark: Part 3.


The Sea of Despair is a large, heavily polluted area west of the Volcano. It can only be accessed by beating the Evil Genius, which unlocks a gate enabling the player's shark to enter it.

As opposed to the typical blue water found around the map, the water is a polluted green color. An oil rig can be seen in the background, and several damaging oil slicks (both suspended in open water and leaking from pipelines on the seafloor) can be found across the sea. Pollution appears to have taken a toll on the sea's marine life, as both tropical fish and barracudas are colored brown instead of their usual colors, while crabs are a blue-black shade (as if their exoskeletons are coated in oil) as opposed to the typical sandy brown. Possibly owing to the area's poor water quality, the sea features a significantly larger and more diverse population of jellyfish than other locations within Part 3, with more potently-toxic green and (in deeper waters) pink forms existing alongside the conventional blue variety. Several harpoon boats and shark finners can be found at the surface, while the sea's deepest reaches (themselves noticeably devoid of oil slicks) house prey species such as gulper eels and a larger variety of crab entirely unique to this location.

The Pool Ball, Alien Claw, Arcade Cabinet, and Big Diamond can be collected here.


  • Tropical Fish (brown)
  • Barracuda (brown)
  • Crab (blue)
  • Blue Jellyfish
  • Green Jellyfish
  • Pink Jellyfish
  • Squid
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Flying Fish
  • Harpoon Boat Man
  • Chum Man
  • Chum
  • Shark Finner
  • Gulper Eel
  • Mega Crabs
  • Oil Slick


  • This area may have inspired the Arabian Sea in Hungry Shark World.
  • It is one of the most dangerous areas in the game, due to the enemies, pollution and comparatively low density of prey.