The Sleigh was an event item. It could've been won from the 2018 Sharkmas Tree Event. It zooms out your screen by 55% and attracts limited edition event collectibles. It also attracts stars in space, which gives your shark coins. The player can upgrade the sleigh to the ‘Bazooka Sleigh’ for 200 gems. The Sleigh came back as a limited event item for Sharkmas 2020 and can be obtained by finding 6 ornaments around the map to complete the Sharkmas tree. You can obtain the sleigh faster by changing the date and time on your device to 11:59 PM for the next ornament to spawn.
Its first ability is that it attracts stars and limited edition special event collectible. Its second ability is that it zooms out your camera by 55%. In its upgraded state, the sleigh gets a miniature Santa that destroys prey with its bazooka.
- It attracts collectibles and stars, including event collectibles making collecting type events easier.
- Combining its upgraded version with the Missile Launcher and the Shark Vortex can make catching food much easier and can greatly help with maintaining health as the two will seek to destroy prey around you and the Shark Vortex will gather large amounts of prey in front of you, especially useful for sharks with high health drain rates such as Luminite.
- Can't be worn with the jetpack.
- Can't fly like the jetpack.
Ornament locations[]
Red and White Ornament[]
It can be found on the platform right above the toxic barrels above the wall that can be broken to enter the Angler's Nest.
Bell Ornament[]
Candy Cane[]
It can be found under the entrance to the Western Sea (image needed).
The location can be dangerous for weaker sharks if you explore deeper in due to the mines, pink Jellyfish, and strong Enemy Sharks spawning later on.
Shark Ornament[]
Gingerbread Man[]
It is located at the bottom of the western sea right beside the entrance to the Death Tunnel. (image needed)
An Enemy Kraken and Enemy Leo can spawn nearby this area so its recommended to bring strong sharks to collect the ornament.
Shark Fin Christmas Tree Topper[]
It is located at the western most part of the sea where the downward sign arrow is placed which points to the Crab Lair.