Hungry Shark Wiki
An impressive all-rounder.
— In-game description

The Smooth Hammerhead is a shark in Hungry Shark World. The shark is purple and has exaggerated pectoral fins. She's the smallest of the hammerheads (the biggest being the Great Hammerhead) throughout the franchise. Her max health is 134, and she has the second-best bite in her group, while also being very nimble and quick. Her cost is 16,000 coins.

Pros and Cons


  • She is well rounded meaning no weaknesses.
  • Very versatile.
  • Has the best stats and shares the highest health with Heidi out of her group.


  • Expensive
  • Smallest of the M shark category.
  • Has weaker Speed, Bite and Boost stats compared to the Thresher (predecessor)


  • She is the second purple shark.
  • She is the smallest medium shark.
  • She has the best stats and shares the highest health with Heidi (Wobbegong) out of her group.


Objective Reward Final Mission?
150,000 points in 1 swim 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins. No
Eat 30 Dolphins 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins. No
1,500 Coins in 1 swim 1 Schematic, 1,500 coins. No
Save a friend using KEGS to explode obstacles on Arctic Ocean! 2 Schematics, 1,500 coins. Yes

Total rewards: 5 Schematics, 6,000 coins.


