Hungry Shark Wiki
Hungry Shark Wiki
Discover the sea life thriving in this bustling city centre.
— In-game description

The South China Sea is the fourth and final main location that was released in v1.8.2 in Hungry Shark World. It can be unlocked when you have 11 sharks. This area is set at night in a city with many dangerous creatures making it arguably the hardest location in the game, but to make up for it, one of the richest maps in Hungry Shark World, allowing the player to score high with massive rewards.

Entities and Items

All names in bold are exclusive to the map, while names written in italic are exclusive to the console edition of the game.



  • It is a mix of cities in East Asian countries, particularly Tokyo and Chinese cities.
  • Like every other main map, it has unique music that may play on occasion. The soundtrack of this map is similar in structure to the soundtrack of Pacific Islands, but with a higher pitched piano and additional common Chinese instruments such as a cymbal, flute, erhu, and more.
  • There is a hidden bathroom area accessible by breaking 2 barriers within the Sewers. Once accessed, it can be returned to via the City.


Concept Art

