The Swimming Pool is a location in Hungry Shark World that is located in the Pacific Islands. There are three ways to enter it. You can go through the vent underwater. The vent is tight so big sharks like the Megalodon will have a hard time getting through. You can also jump out of the water and make your way into the Swimming Pool. This may be difficult for smaller sharks as there is a slab that makes it harder to enter and small sharks can have trouble moving across land. Lastly, the player can use a Jetpack to fly in. This is the easiest way, but the most expensive.
Entities and Items[]
- Sardines (vent)
- Crabs (vent)
- Small Turtles (vent)
- Garbage
- Tourists
- Dollar Bill (vent and pool)
- Swimmers
- Tube Men
- Divers
- Bottles
- Gemfish
- You may occasionally find Scuba Divers in the swimming pool instead of normal swimmers.
- When you are inside of the pool, music will play. This feature was added in the Colossal Squid update.
- Big sharks can have trouble fitting inside the vent when entering the Swimming Pool.
- Later in-game, several bottles spawn in the swimming pool.
A Smooth Hammerhead in the pipe of the swimming pool. Notice that there are small sea creatures such as sardines.