The Turkey Fish is a new creature that was added to Hungry Shark Evolution in the Thanksgiving update of 2014. It appeared only on the day of Thanksgiving. The Turkey Fish, as its name suggests, is an already beheaded, cooked, brown, and stuffed turkey on a golden dish. However, it is golden, brown and purple in color. Its body has holes that resemble a face.

Turkey Fish after an attack on the Great White Shark.
The turkey fishes usually swims alone, and they charge at your shark like an Angler Fish, Seal Pup, or a Gulper Fish but inflicting less damage. It is one of the creatures that will always yield a gem when eaten.
It was found more or less everywhere on the Thanksgiving Day. It was able to spawn in the Christmas Wonderland on any day before its removal.
- Turkey Fish formerly could spawn in the Christmas Wonderland.
- Turkey Fish would always give a gem when eaten.
- They make a turkey's gobbling noises while attacking.
- Turkey Fish when attacking give the accolade "Turkey Terror!".